Final Reflection
The Most Formative Experience I believe the first assignments - the ones that required us to begin thinking of a business idea - were the most formative. I had no idea what to do for my business idea, and I was scared I was not going to think of anything worthwhile; however, I incorporated my work experience and education in entomology to create something I consider important. I'm glad I pushed myself to create a product with some meaning. The Most Joyous Experience The venture concept. I loved writing this because I had so many ideas concerning my product. I loved organizing these ideas into one "concept." It helped me feel organized. The Worst Experience I dreaded the pitches. I do not like the way my voice sounds when recorded, and I know I can be awkward in front of a camera. I dreaded these assignments, but I'm glad I did them. Reflection I do not see myself as an entrepreneur; however, I believe I have gotten better at thinking in an entrepreneurial way. I belie...